Children didn’t come with a manual but this website is a good start:
Vulcan Daycare Society 403-485-2945
Licenced Early Learning and Child Care Centre Program.
Out of School Care Program. Newborns to 12 year olds.
Greater Foothills Family Centre 1-877-652-8633
Provides free programs, supports and services to
children and youth and their families. Family
Resource Network’s will focus on strengthening
parenting and caregiving knowledge, social support, coping and problem-solving skills. Provides Parent Education,
Developmental Screening, Parenting Workshops, Clothing, Bike and Skate exchange programs as well as Family Events.
Play Groups for Parents with Kids 0 – 6years old
Vulcan Lodge Hall – Contact Greater Foothills Family Centre 1-877-652-8633
Roving Gym at Milo School – Contact Milo Recreation
Champion Legion – Contact Champion FCSS 403-897-3833
To get support to start a playgroup in any other village contact Vulcan and Region FCSS 403-485-2192
Rainbow Literacy and Learning Society Family Resource Network: Spoke #15
Family Literacy Programs support the whole family by providing caregivers and parents with the skills and knowledge to strengthen family relationships, parenting and literacy skills. Registration is required for all programs.
Time for Rhymes – Join us to learn to rhyme, sing and interact with your child. Available in most towns and villages (2-5 years).
Building Blocks – Building Blocks is a 10-30 week program that happens in your home. Strategies, games, activities and learning tools to help aid with your child’s learning. FREE (0-17 years).
Literacy and Parenting Skills and Parent Café – Explores techniques and topics related to parenting and literacy. Each week focuses on a
different parenting. FREE program for parents/guardians.
Alphabet Soup – Parents and Children enjoy food, songs, rhymes, crafts and books while learning about food and nutrition. (2-6 years).
Animal Tales – Introduction to different animals, books, a craft and then reading to the animal in a safe space. In partnership with Porthos Pet Supplies FREE for children 6-12 years of age.
Books for Babies – Multi-week course for parents of newborns to promote reading as a valued family activity. Participants receive a bag of children’s books and resources to take home.
Pillowslip Stories – Pillowslip stories are bags that help bring books alive through games, interactive
activities and audio for following along. FREE (2-6 years).
Unity of Belonging – Program to build awareness of oppression and build knowledge about choices, values and attitudes. For Jr. & Sr. High students.
Vulcan County Early Childhood Development Coalition meets monthly to discuss and address early childhood matters. Contact FCSS for information. 403-485-2192
Healthy Minds, Healthy Children offers free, public education through Community Education Services on child and youth emotional wellness and health topics, as well as online professional
Wild Rose Community Connections 1-877-995-3737
-First Years for Families (FYFF) is a family capacity building Home Visitation program. This program supports expectant parents and those with newborns/young children in the context of their family and environment. FYFF supports families with parenting skills, creating a safe, stimulating environment for their children and helping connect with other community resources. Referrals to this free service can be a self-referral or by other community agencies. The youngest child needs to be under age 3 when referred.
-Caring Connections 403 437-4984
An Emotional Safe Spot for individuals, families or seniors. For anyone feeling disconnected, alone dealing with daily challenges or just need to chat. We hope we can make your day a little bit brighter and help connect you to other resources.
Nobody’s Perfect – One-on-one Parent Support and Groups for those with 0-5 yrs. olds
Smarter Parenting – Support and strategies for parents of children 3-18 years to create more harmony in your home.
Other organizations that serve families:
McMan Youth, Family and Community Service Association
Family Ties
Hull Services
Strongest Families Institute
Children’s Cottage Calgary 403.233.2273 Crisis Nursery for children newborn-8 years old.
Rainbow Literacy and Learning Society Family Resource Network: Spoke #15
Adult Literacy and Learning Programs are available either in a group setting or through tutoring (one-on-one). Our programs are delivered in-person or on-line to accommodate for the learners availability.
Key areas of learning
Adult Literacy – reading, writing, GED preparation, communication and more.
Numeracy – Basic Math for Everyday Life Skills for Learning
English Language Learning Basic Digital Skills
Cultural Appropriation and Unconscious Bias
Other programs – Restricted Firearms Safety, First Aid, Food Safety
Adult Literacy principles are the best practice that guide the development and delivery of adult foundational learning opportunities where learning is relevant, practical, respectful, self-directed, and strengths-based, builds on the learner’s knowledge and experience and is oriented towards the learner’s goals.
Home Care Vulcan Health Unit 403-485-2285
Nursing Services, personal care services, respite, palliative care
Seniors Centres
Vulcan Community Seniors Centre Contact Ron 403-485-2723
Milo – Snake Valley Drop-In Contact Susan 403-599-3874
Lomond – Sunshine Drop-In Centre Contact Marj 403-792-2447
Carmangay Seniors Citizens Club search the group on
Champion Seniors Pioneer Club 403-897-3983
Marquis Foundation 403-485-2636
Peter Dawson Lodge and Low Cost Housing in Carmangay,
Champion, Lomond and Vulcan
Extendicare – Vulcan 403-485-2022
Long Term Care – Vulcan Health Centre 403-485-3333
Old Colony Seniors Lodge – Carmangay 403-643-2660
Readers Build Community 403-485-2571
A trained volunteer leads social conversation stimulated by a piece of
literature. Available at Senior care facilities and the Vulcan Library.
Vulcan Regional Response to Elder Abuse 403-485-5847
If Elder Abuse is affecting you or someone you care about, please call
Vulcan Regional Victims Services 24-Hour Crisis Line 403-485-5847
The VRREAC works together with stakeholders to achieve the best outcomes for individuals in abusive situations. They provide education, advocacy and awareness through presentations, information session and brochures.
Government Seniors Programs
Alberta Supports 1-877-644-9992
Alberta Seniors Benefits for Low Income, Special Needs Assistance, Property Tax Deferral, AB Blue Cross for Seniors, Aids to Daily Living, support for long-term disability, chronic or terminal illness, equipment, supplies, home adaptation and repairs.
Public Guardian and Trustee 1-877-427-4525 Protection for Persons in Care 1-888-357-9339
Kidsport – So ALL Kids Can Play! To donate or to seek financial assistance for sports contact Bonnie at the Town of Vulcan Recreation at 403-485-2554 Applications can be found at
Milo Recreation
Community events, kids minor baseball, Slo-Pitch tournament, Beach Volleyball tournament, Play Gym, Junior Curling clinic. Updates on Facebook.
Recreation Committees are also established in each division of Vulcan County. Vulcan County at 403-485-3133. For recreation funding forms go to